Sunday, January 3, 2010

Flat Football What If An AFL Football Goes Flat , During The Game.?

What if an AFL football goes flat , during the game.? - flat football

Playing Aussie Rules (AFL) and runs with the ball, about 30 mtree their goals, and lose the ball flat or air, what are you doing? (A) Run and type on the objectives, or (b) the opponent has the ball, where she is, are the goals? (C) Is there another way?


waitingf... said...

It's not about cricket, but ... If you have a chance, you have to ask the right to the referee for a new ball. If not, take your chance and kick it.

waitingf... said...

It's not about cricket, but ... If you have a chance, you have to ask the right to the referee for a new ball. If not, take your chance and kick it.

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